One Summer's Day...

One Summer's Day...

The Sun sets look beautiful each time

The rays breed light
As they refract & reflect Life
From side to side
Renewing energy from the internal
Radiating outside

An eternal exchange each time

Relishing in life as the sunshine
Eases the time I am in to the point

I Feel Alive

Thanking The Most High
For every breathe of life
    Every test of time

For today is a present

And the gift of tomorrow is not guaranteed to follow
In essence the time we have is borrowed
Repaid in the grave till late
A given date till
Much is taken away

So be wary as well as be brave
For each moment adds
As much as it takes away

So be wary as well as be brave
For each moment adds
As much as it takes away

The Sun shines to amply the circle of life
The clouds part to make  way
For a brighter day...
The winter spells don't always feel so gray
When the rays of the sun come out to play
In the small moments that make it all worth the while becoming a radiant wait...

Curated by Nomadic Libaax